Happy Christmas!

Boldog Karácsonyt!

How to celebrate Christmas like a hungarian

Christmas in Hungary is a joyous and deeply cultural holiday, full of ancient folk traditions, delicious foods, and meaningful celebrations with family and friends. Many Hungarian Christmas customs reveal the strong Christian background as well as remnants of old pagan winter solstice rituals.

The Christmas season traditionally begins on December 5th with Mikulás Eve, when children polish their shoes and place them on the window sill hoping St. Nicholas will come and fill them with candy, small toys, and fruit. Some naughty children may find a golden…

Have you visited the Budapest Mangalica Festival?

Budapest launches a great number of gastronomic festivals yearly. One of them is the mangalica festival, which just took place this year in February.

Mangalica pig? What is that?

In case you’ve never heard about the mangalica, let me introduce this special looking Hungarian swine to you.  It is mostly blonde but has always long curly hair. At first glance you might think it’s a sheep, but it’s not. It’s a cold breed which is resistent against cold and illnesses, is not forced into cages, can run around outside and have a life before landing on our plates with its deliciously full flavored and low cholesterol meat.  It has an over 200 years old history and it’s becoming more and more…

A Macaron-workshop at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Budapest 

img_6066-1The Ritz Carlton in Budapest offers free macaroon workshops. These normally take place on a Friday between 1-2 PM. It is fun in a very nice surroundings. You have the chance to mix, form and fill and of course taste the macaroons you have made. You do get the recipe for the macaroons, but I’m not quite sure if they will succeed that same way at home like in a big industrial kitchen with all the high-end equipment. But it is definitely a great experience and a lot of fun which might end with a little sugar shock if you are not disciplined enough.